AWS Landing Zone Accelerator Features: Beyond Control Tower

My previous post detailed the process to install AWS Landing Zone Accelerator (LZA) within an existing Control Tower environment. While the process wasn't trivial or all that well documented, it did result in a successfully deployed LZA. What are the benefits that LZA provides out of the box beyond a basic Control Tower deployment? Using … Continue reading AWS Landing Zone Accelerator Features: Beyond Control Tower

Deploying AWS LZA with pre-existing Control Tower

Multi-account landing zones have been the defacto standard for how to architect environments from a governance and compliance standpoint in AWS. Control Tower is an AWS service that was released in 2019, enabling customers to quickly and easily deploy the framework for a well-architected landing zone . More recently, AWS released Landing Zone Accelerator (LZA), … Continue reading Deploying AWS LZA with pre-existing Control Tower

Why the heck can’t I connect to my stuff running in VMC from AWS?!?

When it comes to VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC), the devil is in the networking details. For those out there unfamiliar with VMC, it is an service that was jointly developed between AWS and VMware, and is fully managed by VMware. It is essentially a VMware Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) as-a-Service running within the … Continue reading Why the heck can’t I connect to my stuff running in VMC from AWS?!?