I’m currently sitting in an airport for flight #2 of 3 within a three week period. This is pretty rare for me, but I’m thrilled that flight #3 will be out to Silicon Valley for Tech Field Day 19 next week! The TFD crew has an amazing week lined up, and I’m excited to meet a bunch of new delegates. I last attended Tech Field Day 17 in October of 2018 and still feel honored to be part of such an amazing community. Like many first time delegates, I felt a lot like a fish out of water and did my best just to keep up with everything that was going on and all the new tech being thrown our way.
There were a lot of firsts for me at TFD 17, all culminating in a general feeling of “do I really belong here?” Fellow delegate Jim Palmer posted about this recently, and I can totally relate to much of his experience with impostor syndrome. Now that I have a little bit of experience under my belt, I’m looking forward to embracing that feeling and getting even more outside of my comfort zone. I’ve had a lot of change recently, taking a new role with a new company, and have a lot of new things going on all at once. The TFD experience has helped me to better understand that while I have come a long way, I still have a long way to go and a lot of work/learning to put in that will help get me where I know I am capable of. I’m very much looking forward to all of the presentations and new connections, but especially the ability to practice living outside of my comfort zone and finding my way within this great community.
In the meantime, you can find all of the presenters and schedules for next week at the TFD 19 website, and be sure to mark you calendars for presentations from:
Automation Anywhere
As always, you can keep up on Twitter via #TFD19. Tune in next week!